9 Tips on Starting a Vegan Diet

Have you planned on cutting down your meat and dairy intake and become a vegan? Are you overwhelmed with the decision and do not know where to start?
Well, this is the article that is going to help you sort out your vegan dietary plan. We are going to talk about 9 tips on starting a vegan diet so that you get all the essential nutrients and do not become deficient in any nutrients.
Make it About Vegetables
Vegetables are packed with a lot of vitamins (like A and K) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, etc.). The best part about vegetables is that they digest quite easily, are light on our stomach, and keep your calorie intake under control.
If you are starting on a vegan diet, then including a lot of veggies in your diet is kind of a must. Try to eat a combination of raw veggies and cooked ones. An added benefit of having vegetables is that they are high in fiber. It will help you feel more satisfied.
The only question is, you have to make it interesting. My go-to recipe is to sauté the vegetables a bit and add Indian spices to them. It is healthy and tastes delicious!
You Need to Eat a Combination of Food
Since you are on a vegan diet, it is important to ensure that you get all the essential nutrients present in food. To ensure this, you will need to intake balanced meals. This means eating pulses & beans for protein, vegetables for vitamins, fruits for minerals, and grains for carbs.
An easy way to choose your meal is to pick up food resembling different colors of a rainbow. For example, red tomatoes contain lycopene which is good for the heart. Similarly, blueberries are rich in anti-oxidants and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A. Ensure that you eat a variety of food to get the nutrition.
Whole Grains over Refined Grains
Do not go for refined flour products like white pasta or bread. Essential nutrients like iron and vitamin B are removed from refined flour which makes it a less healthy food.
Instead, go for whole grains like a bowl of Quinoa, oats, or even rice. These whole grains are a good source of different vitamins and minerals needed in the body. The cherry on the cake is because you are not removing the chaff, your grains will be rich in fiber. It will keep you full for a long time. The best part is you can get all such whole grains online. Also, you can grab discounts on grocery essentials by using promo codes and deals for online stores like Quicklly, Walmart, Instacart etc.
Find the Vegan Source of Protein
There are sources of protein even in a vegan diet, you will just have to find it. You can add tofu, edamame, pulses, lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc. into your diet to get sufficient protein. My go-to way of getting good protein is to sprout green gram and eat it raw.
Another great way of having vegan protein is to eat overnight soaked-in organic peanuts. These are great sources of protein. In short, you will need to eat a variety of food to ensure you take the required amount of protein.
Everything Vegan Necessarily Need Not be Healthy
Just because you eat vegan food now, does not mean that it will all be good for your health. Even in the vegan gamut, there are a lot of products that are not good for your gut. For example, having garlic bread made of vegan margarine or a vegan cookie is not that good for your health.
Processes vegan food contains saturated-fat-laden oil, which is bad for health. Instead, opt for healthier food options like superfoods, chickpea hummus, guacamole, ragi chips, etc.
Sort your Omega-3 Fatty Acids
There are some nutrients like DHA and EPA, two kinds of Omega-3 fatty acids, that are found in fatty fish (like salmon). If you need DHA and EPA, then you will need to eat certain specific foods.
Walnuts, soy, flaxseeds, and canola oil contain ALA, which in turn can help in the production of DHA and EPA, inside of your body itself. ALA is a different kind of Omega-3 fatty acid. To make the process simpler, you can drink soymilk and snack on breakfast bars. If you like, you can also try algae-based DHA and EPA supplements.
Ensure You are Getting a Good Amount of Vitamin D
Research says that the daily value of Vitamin D that one needs is 1,500 IU, however, we can touch only 600 IU. So, what is the way out? Well, during summers, you can still stand in the sun because the heat will help you synthesize some amount of Vitamin D from the UV light (Synthesizing Vitamin D in winters can be a challenge)
Apart from this, some vegan products can help you synthesize Vitamin D. Soy milk, almond milk, some specific mushroom types, and orange juice. Ensure that you have these regularly in good quantity.
Take Care of Your Iron Intake
Animal proteins, like the ones found in meat and chicken, are a very good source of iron. This is one nutrient that vegans need to take special care of because it is not easy for your body to digest plant-based iron.
You can still have legumes, leafy vegetables, and beans to get the required amount of iron, but you will need to supplement it with a good intake of vitamins. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. Also, do not have calcium-rich food because they prevent the absorption of iron in the body.

9 Tips on Starting a Vegan Diet
Get Adequate Amount of B12
Vitamin B12 is essential for your body. This vitamin is responsible for converting your food into energy and also stimulating brain function. The problem is this is available mostly in animal food and dairy products.
To ensure your body has an option level of Vitamin B12, you will need to consume fortified cereals & energy bars. You can also consult your doctor about taking Vitamin B12 supplements.