Raw food: Where to start with raw food?
Raw food; learn a step-by-step algorithm for switching to a plant-based diet without animal protein feed. Eating raw food is becoming increasingly popular; for many, a food diet is turning from a hobby into a lifestyle. It often leads to significant life changes. However, there are always not only supporters but also opponents in any business, and raw food is no exception. Today we will show you how to start a food diet. Many people do not understand what it is – another fad diet plan or a new lifestyle.
For starters, a food diet does not include eating cooked food. As a result, you need to give up fried foods and boiled pickled, canned, fried, and smoked foods. Note that some raw foods also include avoiding fish and meat. In practice, this natural power system has many features and nuances.
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Raw material basics
If you want to know where to start with a raw food diet, you first need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of this food system. After that, it will be easier for you to decide if it is suitable. The basis of the system is the statement that humans are part of nature. It includes the exclusion from the diet of those products that do not exist in nature, namely those that have undergone heat treatment. Thus, your menu will be significantly different from what was previously used.
Raw food contains the maximum amount of nutrients destroyed during heat treatment. Only by eating food do you have the opportunity to get a complete set of all micro and micronutrients. From this follows the second principle of food – wash and eat.
For raw foodists, all processed foods are considered toxic to the body, which does not only apply to fast food and other harmful foods. The results of scientific research partially confirm it because after cooking, some products not only lose most of the nutrients but also toxic substances appear in them.
It would help if you remembered that raw vegetables and fruits contain enzymes. These are substances that allow food to be processed quickly in the body. The number of various enzymes in the child’s body is at its maximum. As they age, their concentration decreases steadily. If you eat raw food, you can compensate for this loss.
Most people’s diets include foods that have been cleaned or peeled. However, the peel or shell contains the maximum amount of nutrients. All products intended for long-term storage contain various carcinogenic compounds.
An equally important claim for raw foodists is the compatibility of all foods. Often they are incompatible, resulting in high consumption of energy that could use to heal the body itself.
Types of raw food
If you want to know where to start with a raw food diet, then you should study the types of this food system. Note that scientists still have no consensus about the benefits or harms of every kind of raw food. When choosing them, you should focus on the condition of your body.
- Omnivorous – it is allowed to eat plant and animal food but can boil only fresh meat, fish, and eggs in this case. In addition, you can use jerky meat, vegetable oils, honey, and a small amount of salt or pepper.
- Vegan is the most popular raw food diet; you can only eat plant-based foods. Two types of raw foodists are also vegan: Jusorians and Sprutorians. Representatives of the first strategy use only freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices and call them “green cocktails.” Sprutorians, on the other hand, consume only sprouted cereal grains.
- Vegetarian – Besides plant products, you can eat eggs and milk.
- Fruit – only berries and fruits are consumed, and all other foods are excluded from the diet, including vegetables. An orthodox raw foodist can wait for the moment when the fruit itself falls to the ground because, at this moment, it is as rich in nutrients as possible.
- Carnivores – vegetables and fruits are rarely found in the diet. The main focus is on raw seafood, fish, eggs, and animal fats that replace carbohydrates and meat. Many people living in the Arctic regions of the planet have been eating this way since the Paleolithic.
- Raw food diet (monolithic raw food) – only one specific product should be consumed in one meal, for example, an apple for breakfast, sprouted grains for lunch, etc.
How to start a raw food diet: the benefits
According to the main theories of raw food, after switching to this nutritional principle, our body begins to cleanse itself of various toxins and toxins independently. At the same time, it adapts to new conditions. You have to understand that this is not a quick process and will take some time. If you want to know where to start with a raw food diet, this is something you need to keep in mind.
According to the followers of this nutritional system, the time spent adapting the body is more than compensated by excellent health and a reduction in body weight. The transition to a raw food diet is believed to be a step towards immortality. Since all consumer goods are processed in a short time, they can spend all the energy saved on other projects. With this fact, the improving mood has been connected to the disappearance of apathy, mood swings, and depression, which often occur in people during the cold season. According to available statistics, the expenditure of the inhabitants of any country on food depends on the general well-being of its inhabitants. At the same time, high living standards often become the main reason for developing “modern diseases” – diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and neoplasms.
Even if you go back to the financial cost of food, the raw food diet becomes more economical. Summer and early autumn can be considered raw food paradise because the market offers many nuts, herbs, fruits, vegetables, etc. More and more business stars pay attention to this power system and show us beautiful matching numbers. However, there are still no definitive research results that could scientifically confirm the ultimate benefits of a raw food diet for the body. Anyone who wants to know where to start on a raw food diet should remember that any changes to the nutritional plan are individual.
Disadvantages of a diet
Raw food can be helpful in the body, and science tells us about this, but this nutritional system also has its drawbacks.
Without which it is impossible to do:
- Due to restrictions on specific foods, nutrients may not be available to the body, which can lead to metabolic disorders.
- If you stop using seafood and fish, iodine deficiency will appear, hurting the body, especially on bones and teeth. Raw food scientists are now encouraging all their friends to spend more time in the sun to increase the concentration of vitamin D in the body.
- There is evidence that a strict diet makes the body deficient in vitamin B12.
- The benefit of this nutritional system for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding is very doubtful because the mother needs to consume all nutrients for the child’s normal development.
It is well established that children should not eat raw food.
Doctors advise switching to a raw food diet before the age of 30. It is because, up to the age of 25, the body’s systems and organs continue to develop. But at the age of thirty, the body is fully formed, and it is at this time that it is worth starting to be interested in the matter.
How to start a raw food diet: tips
You must first decide for yourself what you need raw food for. Suppose this is just an experiment or even a tribute to fashion. In that case, you should switch to proper nutrition, excluding fast and unhealthy foods from your diet. If you are interested in the case, as this power system is a reference for you, then approach the subject with full responsibility.
There are two options for switching to a raw food diet:
- It is gradually introduced into the diet instead of those that have undergone heat treatment. In this case, you need to give up fried and smoked food, sweets, and coffee from the first day.
- Go straight to raw food, and according to many experts, this method allows you to adapt quickly to a new diet.
It is evident that the transition to a new food system often does not go smoothly, and various difficulties arise. Very often, raw food beginners do not have clearly defined goals, which leads to failure. It’s hard enough to quit a diet plan that’s been around for decades.
The topic of the raw food diet is pervasive and is not limited only to the question of where to start the transition to a new food system. Today we discussed the basic principles of the diet and advised on how to take the first step.