Radish Harvesting and Crops

Radish is one of the first and most popular vegetables. Unpretentious vitamin root vegetables can be grown by any gardener, only a few rules should be considered.
And if you need a rich harvest, and even more than once a season, then the Saxon variety is what you need.
In the article, we will tell you in detail how “Saksa” differs from other varieties of radish and give advice on its cultivation and storage.
Table of Contents
Radish Characteristics, Description and Picture of the Variety
Variety “Scissors” – early ripening, unpretentious, but at the same time tall species. Mature quickly and at the same time, has a dense outlet with small foliage.
Appearance. Small round root vegetables, bright red, slightly flat. The fruits are juicy, dense, and with a pleasant bitterness.
Sowing time. “Saksa” is a medium-early variety, usually planted in April. Root crops mature quickly and in harmony.
Average weight 1 radish. Root vegetables weigh 5 to 10 grams.
Productivity. The harvest varies according to zoning, and weather. From 1 square, 1 to 4 kg of vegetables is collected.
Where to grow? Variety can be grown in the open and closed ground, in boxes at home.
Resistance to diseases and pests. Radishes of this variety are not susceptible to flowering, and flabbiness, but suffer from common cruciate ligament diseases. Does not affect powdery mildew.
Maturity period. The first radish matures about a month after planting.
Soil. Loves light, fertile soil. The best time to plant in wet soil is after the snow has melted.
Care of the crop. The crop is well preserved, it can lie for several weeks.
Below you can see a picture of vegetables of this type.
Radish Breeding History
The Saxon variety was grown at the All-Research Institute of Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops. The variety was published in 1949.
Differences from Other Species
- Withstands long daylight well.
- Areas on the sunny side and shaded areas are suitable.
- They are planted in 5 to 10 cm squares.
- Loves well-moistened soil, sensitive to light.
- Pros And Cons
- High performance.
- It is possible to grow all year round.
- They are planted in early spring, just after the snow melts.
- The seeds are inexpensive, and viable for up to 2 years.
- Delicious, juicy.
- Oh GMO, safe.
Disadvantages :
- Requires constant watering.
- The soil must be moist.
For What And Where Is It Used?
- It is most often used fresh, in salads, but Saksa can be canned.
- It is used as a medicine for colds, fungi, and gallstones.
- Horticulturists therefore often plant in mixed plantings to demarcate crops.
The tops of the radishes are also edible.
Those with liver disease, kidney disease, stomach ulcers, or gastritis, should be careful to use radish in food.

Growing of radish
Growing radishes is easy. Choose an area on sunny sides for planting. The soil is light and fertile. Planted early, as soon as the snow melts in late March-early April. Replanting in late July – early August. Soil for planting is ready in the fall. Phosphate and potassium fertilizers, humus, and peat are introduced into it.
Attention! You cannot plant radishes in fertilized soil, after cabbage, radish. Areas after tomatoes and cucumbers are favourable.
The most common planting method is by seeds. They are planted in moist soil. For quick and friendly germination should be seeded and seeded seeds. Before planting, you can soak it in +45 degrees water for 15 minutes, or use a growth stimulant to soak. Then the seeds are dried. Seeds are planted at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Row spacing -10-12 cm. Avoid thickening. Seedlings are thinned out so that there is 5-6 cm between seedlings.
Care involves watering and feeding. The best temperature is -20 degrees. The soil should always be moist. If the temperature is 30 degrees or more, hydration should be given twice a day.
To form a root crop, the plant needs 10-12 hours a day. Therefore, it is useful to shade the planting from 20 to eight o’clock.
The first harvest is harvested for about three weeks or 28 days.
Harvest and Storage of radish
The harvest is carried out by choice: first large fruits, then after a week or two – cultivated radishes. In two weeks, the radish collection will end. Before harvesting, the soil is moistened and the roots are pulled out. They are cleaned of tops, the tail of them is cut off. Store well in a refrigerator in a plastic bag for up to a week.
Diseases and Pests
The variety is resistant to powdery mildew but suffers from all types of cruciate ligament disease.
Protect young plants from calf flies and flies. To do this, use tobacco dust and ash or the material “Aktofit”. Funds are washed off by rain or water, so the treatment is repeated after 3-4 days. You can use flea shampoo, conditioner, and sweet syrup traps. From cabbage flies to fleas, you can plant fragrant plants in the tunnel: parsley, coriander, and marigolds.
Another radish disease is white rust. The leaves are covered with white flowers, and dry. Treat the planting once a week with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, soda ash or baking soda and colloidal sulfur.
All cruciferous plants can get black foot diseases. It is better to prevent this disease on your site because the plants that affect it die and must be destroyed. Preventive measures should be taken:
- Avoid draining the soil.
- Soak the seeds in an infusion of garlic or potassium permanganate.
- Treat the soil with a solution of colloidal sulfur, and boiling water.
- Sprinkle the plants with charcoal, ash, and chalk.
- Water occasionally with a solution of onion peel, marigold green, and weak solution Fitosporin-M.
Weak plants are removed; the beds are treated with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux fluid.
Similar Species
The number of varieties is similar to Saksa. They also belong to the early maturing varieties. It:
- French breakfast.
- Firstborn F1.
- Sora
They are characterized not only by early and friendly maturation; they are unpretentious and resistant to shootings, flowering, and cracks.
If you want to delight yourself and your family with a harvest of early radish and at the same time not spend a lot of effort, then plant Saksa. You will always have vitamin vegetables.