Tagged: taste

Quince 0

Quince: What do quince taste like?

Quince is an ancient fruit crop, according to historical data has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years. The plant’s homeland is the Caucasus, from where it first spread to Asia Minor, then to Ancient Greece and Rome. Today it is cultivated in many regions of the world – Europe, America, Africa, and Australia. Of course, quince grows at home. It is considered unpretentious –...

What does atemoya taste like? 0

Atemoya: What does atemoya taste like?

Atemoya, description of exotic fruits. In what useful things is atemoya rich? How a product can help health and why some people should be careful in its use. How it is eaten and used in cooking. These are delicious desserts that you can cook with exotic fruits and feel like a virtual resident of the tropical continent. Interesting facts about atemoya Today, atemoya, like its “ancestors”...